
I have created a VPC-native cluster on GKE, master authorized networks disabled on it. I think I did all things correctly but I still can't access to the app externally.

Below is my service manifest.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
        kompose.cmd: kompose convert
        kompose.version: 1.16.0 (0c01309)
    creationTimestamp: null
        io.kompose.service: app
    name: app
        - name: '3000'
          port: 80
          targetPort: 3000
          protocol: TCP
          nodePort: 30382
        io.kompose.service: app
    type: NodePort

The app's container port is 3000 and I checked it is working from logs. I added firewall to open the 30382port in my vpc network too. I still can't access to the node with the specified nodePort. Is there anything I am missing?

kubectl get ep:

NAME         ENDPOINTS          AGE
app    6h17m
kubernetes   29h

kubectl get svc:

NAME         TYPE        CLUSTER-IP   EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)        AGE
app          NodePort   <none>        80:30382/TCP   6h25m
kubernetes   ClusterIP    <none>        443/TCP        29h
Did you check whether the selector labels are matching?Janitha Madushan
share output from kubectl get epP Ekambaram
also from kubectl get svcP Ekambaram
@JMadushan, selector labels are matched, so it was working for public cluster and LoadBalaner type service. @PEkambaram, Result with kubectl get ep: NAME ENDPOINTS AGE app 6h17m kubernetes 29htopmoon
@PEkambaram, I updated my question with your requests.topmoon

1 Answers


In Kubernetes, the service is used to communicate with pods.

To expose the pods outside the kubernetes cluster, you will need k8s service of NodePort type.

The NodePort setting applies to the Kubernetes services. By default Kubernetes services are accessible at the ClusterIP which is an internal IP address reachable from inside of the Kubernetes cluster only. The ClusterIP enables the applications running within the pods to access the service. To make the service accessible from outside of the cluster a user can create a service of type NodePort.

Please note that it is needed to have external IP address assigned to one of the nodes in cluster and a Firewall rule that allows ingress traffic to that port. As a result kubeproxy on Kubernetes node (the external IP address is attached to) will proxy that port to the pods selected by the service.