
I have an EC2 instance (Instance-A) that sits behind an ELB (single instance at the moment). The server runs on Wildfly 11.

Target group shows the instance is healthy. And I can use curl using ip address from another instance (Instance-B) in a different vpc.

But it returns 502 when I curl the ELB dns name from Instance-B. Any idea where to look at?

Access log entry,

http 2019-11-11T22:57:04.899824Z app/DummyELB-2/b71c4db727f11413 -1 -1 -1 502 - 127 293 "GET http://internal-dummyelb-2-1122730003.ap-southeast-2.elb.amazonaws.com:80/ HTTP/1.1" "curl/7.61.1" - - arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:ap-southeast-2:xxx:targetgroup/DummyTG-2/738f12f02eeddb57 "Root=1-5dc9e740-f43a035fdc04fec2373217d6" "-" "-" 0 2019-11-11T22:57:04.898000Z "forward" "-" "-" "" "-"

- Update -

The ELB is internal and the instance is private. I also have a separate private instance (with a index.html on apache server) and an internal ELB that has no problem with curling ELB DNS.

are u using public or private hostname?Juned Ahsan
Updated the original question.mumbo_s5

2 Answers


It seems you are either using a private load balancer or hitting the private hostname as per the domain in your logs


Private hosts will only be resolved within the VPC. You can resolve the private hostname in peered VPC but that requires extra configuration. More information for that here:


Check the section : Enabling DNS Resolution Support for a VPC Peering Connection


It was a problem with how I setup forwarding requests to port 8080 in the target group. I have set the override port to 8080 in the health check rather than in target group.

Once I fixed it, my ELB managed to forward requests correctly.