
i'm in trouble managing git with my jekyll project, I do not understand how to work with jekyll, git and gitub pages. My repo is here: https://github.com/smorele/smorele.github.io My website content (the _site folder) should be served but it's the index.html from the root which is used. As explained in the differents ressources i've read, i've created a gh-pages branch but I do not undertand what is the usage.

My questions:

  • how to serve the _site repository ?
  • what is the git process when I create a new page ? How do I have to manage branchs ?

Thanks a lot


3 Answers


I checked your repo link and it's either private or it doesn't exist. I checked your other repos and it looks like you're trying to host your coaching site on github pages (https://github.com/smorele/coaching). You need a few things:

  1. Include your repo name in the baseurl variable in the config.yml file
  2. Use your gh-pages branch as your publushing github page in settings

You don't need the gh-pages branch anymore. Just go to Settings, scroll to GitHub Pages and set the dropdown to 'master' where it says:

Your GitHub Pages site is currently being built from the '[...]' branch. Learn more.

That is all!
