I start with some example. I have "schools" variable like "harvard and oxford", "only harvard" etc. I want to find in "schools" variable only these cases which contain only one school name ("place" variable). I have "place" variable in dataset bbb which I put in listplace ("harvard!oxford!wse), "opinion" variable which I put in listopinion ("8!8!9) and "country" variable which I put in listcountry ("usa!uk!france"). I want to make macro which find in "schools" variable only these cases which contains two school names (zm1). Then, I want to add to them appropriate item from listopinion and listplace. "Place" is school name, "opinion" is average rate and "country" is origin of this rate.
That's my first dataset: place opinion country - "harvard" 8 "usa" - "oxford" 8 "uk" - "wse" 9 "france"
That's my second dataset:
schools - harvard best - only harvard should be chosen - we dont't have any values - cake
That's what I want to have as results of my code (only two observation, not four as it is in "schools" variable):
schools opinion country - "harvard very special" 8 "usa" - "only harvard should be chosen" 8 "usa"
How can I make three %do until loops with %let statements?
data aaa;
input schools;
"harvard and oxford"
"only harvard should be chosen"
"cheese, cake, pizza"
"we dont't have any values"
data bbb;
input place opinion country;
"harvard" 8 "usa"
"oxford" 8 "uk"
"wse" 9 "france"
data ccc;
proc sql noprint;
select opinion
into :listopinion separated by "!"
from aaa
proc sql noprint;
select country
into :listcountry separated by "!"
from aaa
proc sql noprint;
select place
into :listplace separated by "!"
from aaa
%let i_1 =1;
%let i_2 =1;
%let i_2 =1;
%do %until (%qscan(&listplace,&i_1,'!') = %str());
%do %until (%qscan(&listopinion,&i_2,'!') = %str());
%do %until (%qscan(&listcountry,&i_3,'!') = %str());
%let zm1=%scan(&listplace,&i_1,'!');
find(school,"&zm1")=1 or
%let zm2=%scan(&listopinion,&i_2,'!')
%let zm3=%scan(&lista3,&i_3,'!');
%let i_3=%eval(&i_3+1);
%let i_2=%eval(&i_2+1);
%let i_1=%eval(&i_1+1);
%do &i_sel1 = 1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&lista1,!));
. Do not add quotes where they are not needed. Did you intend to treat either'
as delimiters when scanning the list macro variables? Or did you just intend to use|
as the only delimiter? – Tom