I'm just looking for a clarification as the documentation state that an empty, just created, SQL Instance should only take 250Mb approximately.
Quoting from documentation about anything I could find on storage space:
MySQL Second Generation instances: The most recent 7 automated backups, and all on-demand backups, are retained. They are charged at the backup storage rate. Binary logs use storage space (not backup space), and are charged as storage.
For the purpose of this test, binary logging is disabled.
MySQL Second Generation [...]: Storage is calculated based on the amount of storage you have provisioned for your instance. Storage for backups is charged by how much space your backups are using. Storage is charged whether your instance is on or off.
Again, freshly created instance. It should be 0 storage space.
A newly created database uses about 270MB of space for system tables and InnoDB logs. If you create a per-use instance but do not use it, you are still charged for the storage cost.
This is where I got the idea about "250 MB" as initial storage space.
As you can see however, a newly created database takes around 1.2GB.
I'd like some clarification on it if someone has any.
), can you do that as you are within a cloud service? – Raymond Nijland