
Is it possible to use the cross-resource query (with 2 subscriptions) from the an Application-Insights resource's, Logs(Analytics) blade in the Azure portal?

I've managed to use the full qualified name for the same app I'm using!

i.e. using app("/subscriptions/sub1/resourceGroups/rg1/providers/microsoft.insights/components/apptelemetry1").requests in apptelemetry1 returns the same result as the query requests. But trying to use a similar query for an app in another subscription doesn't work (I've double checked the resources names many times).

I've Tried using the all of the options listed in app-expression, cross-workspace-query. (Resource name, Qualified Name, ID, Azure Resource ID).

The only response I'm getting is: "The following application isn’t available anymore".

In the other application insights named "apptelemetry1" -> logs(analytics), can you successfully run the same query: app("/subscriptions/sub1/resourceGroups/rg1/providers/microsoft.insights/components/apptelemetry1").requestsIvan Yang
@IvanYang This wasn't possible as well. Looks like an auth issue, since I can get to any other telemetry I tried this way (from different apps).pingwin
Yes, if the above is not possible, check your auth:)Ivan Yang

1 Answers


Since you cannot use this query app("/subscriptions/sub1/resourceGroups/rg1/providers/microsoft.insights/components/apptelemetry1").requests in the application insights instance apptelemetry1 itself, there must be some problem with the instance apptelemetry1.

You can check if you have the read access to the application.

And if it's still cannot after assign read access, you can submit a support ticket where you can get professional help from Microsoft.