I have pyspark dataframe with 2 columns (Violation_Time, Time_First_Observed) which are captured as strings. Sample of data is below, where there it is captured as HHmm with "A" or "P" representing am or pm. Also, the data has error where some entries exceed 24HH.
Violation_Time Time_First_Observed
0830A 1600P
1450P 0720A
1630P 2540P
0900A 0100A
I would like to use pyspark to remove the "A" and "P" for both columns and subsequently convert the data (e.g., 0800, 1930 etc) into a timestamp for analysis purposes. I have tried to do this for the "Violation_Time" column and create a new column "timestamp" to store this (see code below). However, I can't seem to be able to do it. Any form of help is appreciate, thank you.
sparkdf3.withColumn('timestamp',F.to_timestamp("Violation_Time", "HH"))