I'm using a LTE Module QUECTEL EC20 of this model connected to my Arduino as software Serial monitor and AT Commands directly, I can communicate perfectly with the Module, I get answer OK, Signal, IMEI, and a lot of commands with any problem.
I have tone and I can answer the incoming call with ATA or hang up a call.
I'have tried changing the baud rate from 115200 to 19200 and 9600
I check all these commands:
Everything look perfect but I dont get incomming data in my serial when I call or send a sms.
I have experience with SIM800, SIM5320, SIM7600 of SIMCOM brand working perfectly, But this is my first time trying this model and I have a lot of 5, I tried with all.
I have like one week looking information and trying but without success.
Thanks in advance.
should actually enable incoming calls URCs. Just a question: do you reboot the device between+CLIP=1
and the incoming call? Otherwise you might have found an EC20 bug :) – Roberto Caboni