
I am trying to upload image/file to clodinary to get back the url using this code

    medical_file = request.FILES['medical_file']
    out = cloudinary.uploader.upload(File.open(medical_file, "rb"))
    url = out['url']
    medical_file_url = url

And I am successfully getting the url as well(I have printed that on my console)

But then I am getting this error of : cloudinary.api.Error: Empty file


1 Answers


Per Cloudinary's documentation:

In cases where images are uploaded by users of your Django application through a web form, you can pass the parameter of your Django's request.FILES to the upload method

So in your case, you can upload the file on the server-side by passing request.FILES['medical_file'] directly to the upload method:

    out = cloudinary.uploader.upload(request.FILES['medical_file'])