I have a data in 3 columns & 17 Rows (F8:H35) Column Headers are: F= Offense score / G= Defensive score / H= Team Name
I want to show the team name from (H) with the Max Difference between Offense & Defense (F-G)
I was able to find the Max Difference with this formula:
But how do I show the team name (H) ? I tried: Index Match Max If but I'm getting too few arguments
Not Working:
I'm in over my head here, not sure if I'm close or really far off. Any and all help is greatly appreciated. It's worth noting that this is a filter list, the row order changes, base on offensive score (F).
are you looking for maximum positive difference between F and G, or just maximum difference (either positive or negative) between F and G?2)
are the team names unique, and what would you like to return if there are more than one team have the maximum difference? – Terry W