My windows forms application hosts AvalonEdit (the composite WPF control in question) in one of its forms to cater to its text editing requirements. Here's the code I use:
WPFHost = gcnew ElementHost();
TextField = gcnew AvalonEdit::TextEditor();
WPFHost->Dock = DockStyle::Fill;
WPFHost->Child = TextField;
TextField->Options->AllowScrollBelowDocument = false;
TextField->Options->EnableEmailHyperlinks = false;
TextField->Options->EnableHyperlinks = true;
TextField->Options->RequireControlModifierForHyperlinkClick = true;
TextField->ShowLineNumbers = true;
ContainerControl->Controls->Add(WPFHost); // the container is a panel
The code compiles and executes fine, except for the scrollbars - . Right clicking on what's left of the bar raises an ArgumentOutOfRange exception.
Strangely, I wasn't able to reproduce the issue when I tried hosting the control in a newly created sample project. 'mI using the latest build of the text editor and have all the requisite assemblies installed.
EDIT: Wrapping the editor in a usercontrol doesn't help either.