
I am trying to update 2 rules in Azure CDN Management (Verizon) Recently they update to V4 and the prefix source is no longer coming on the field

Rule 1 -> If http redirect to https Rule 2 -> If url is empty (only root) serve default document index.html

The new rules engine is unable to identify the Source I already try

  1. Leaving it blank
  2. www.[mydomain].com
  3. [mydomain].com
  4. /

The old version had the CDN Verizon id hardcoded on the field, maybe this what is missing? how can I find this?

enter image description here

Hi, I'm having similar issue but prepending my regex with the value you've identified still gives the Source must contain a valid Origin error. I've read through the documentation on Verizon that agrees with your format (see docs.vdms.com/cdn/Content/HRE/F/URL-Rewrite.htm) but I can't get it to work. I've posted here, and wonder if you have thoughts (see stackoverflow.com/questions/62093666/…) ThanksAiden Dipple

1 Answers


Managed to get the correct values by playing around with other options

To get your customer ORIGIN -> Create new rule

-> Origin -> Customer Origin

-> Copy entire line /80*****/***

-> Use this line to populate your origin on the redirect rule