My bq table schema:
Continuing this post: bigquery pivoting with nested field I'm trying to flatten this table. I would like to unnest the fields, i.e. the final number of rows should be equal to the total length of arrays. I would also like to add with certain value as additional columns, and as its value. So in this case, it would be the "margin" column. However the following query gives me error: "Unrecognized name: data". But after the last FROM, I did already: unnest( as data.
flow_timestamp, channel_name, number_of_digits, timestamp, value, margin
2019-10-31 15:31:15.079674 UTC, channel_1, 4, 2018-02-28T02:00:00, 50, 0.01
flow_timestamp, timeseries.channel_name,
( SELECT MAX(IF(channel_properties.key = 'number_of_digits', channel_properties.value, NULL))
FROM UNNEST(timeseries.channel_properties) AS channel_properties
data.timestamp ,data.value
,(with subq as (select * from unnest(data.annotation))
select max(if (properties.key = 'margin', properties.value, null))
from (
select * from unnest(
) as properties
) as margin
FROM my_table
left join unnest( as data
WHERE DATE(flow_timestamp) between "2019-10-28" and "2019-11-02"
order by flow_timestamp