
I am working on setting up a Hybris B2B instance and when I look in HAC's Extensions the storefront has a red X, not a green checkmark. I assume that means there is an error somewhere, where do I go to find the error?

Some background on what I have done:

  1. extract Hybris 1811
  2. install -r b2b_acc_plus
  3. ant clean all
  4. ant modulegen and selected accelerator...
  5. ant clean all
  6. ant initialize
  7. hybrisserver.sh

At that point the server is running, I can get to the HAC, but cannot get to the storefront. I am guessing I might be missing a step, too, but all the same, there are other extensions that have the red X so I would like to understand how to explore the reason why.

Past the console log here, which you can see while you are trying to access the storefront. In the case of Error "Cannot find CMSSite associated with current URL", refer cannot-find-cmssite-associated-with-URL-hybrisHybrisHelp

1 Answers

  • Red Cross against storefront extension in Hybris Admon Console is to depict that its not a backoffice/hmc extension.
  • You would also notice a green check to depict its a core module.
  • Also in front of storefront extension, you willl not the webroot URL. Normally its default value is /yacceleratorstorefront unless one changed it.

You should be able to access storefront using http://localhost:9001/yacceleratorstorefront?site=apparel-uk

You can change site param in URL to access any of the configured websites.




Alternatively, you can add URL mapping in host file.

Make the following entry in your hosts file: apparel-uk.local apparel-de.local electronics.local

Once your hybris server is running, you can access any of the following URLs:

