I'm a SQL refugee new to Exist-db and I'm having so much trouble figuring out how to use xquery to take the value of node in file1.xml (a mysql dump) and add it to file2.xml (a TEI file). I want to match up the nodes from file1 with an xml:id
value in file2.
I've googled around like crazy trying to understand how xquery updates work in Exist-DB, but can't seem to find a resource with more complex examples.
File1 looks like this:
<table_data name="places">
<field name="placeref">PLACEAFRICA</field>
<field name="placename">Africa</field>
<field name="placeref">PLACEILLINOIS</field>
<field name="placename">Illinois</field>
File 2 looks like this (and I want to match up where there's a name attribute placeref
in file1 with the nodes where there's an xml:id
in File2--the list of values is distinct in both documents):
<place xml:id="PLACEAFRICA">
<place xml:id="PLACEILLINOIS">
What I want to happen:
<place xml:id="PLACEAFRICA">
<place xml:id="PLACEILLINOIS">
What's happening instead:
<place xml:id="PLACEAFRICA">
<place xml:id="PLACEILLINOIS">
The xquery code I'm using:
let $file1 := doc('')//row
let $file2 := doc('/db/madrid/xml/file2.xml')/*
let $file2places := $file2//tei:place
let $file2placeref := $file2//tei:place/@xml:id
let $file1placeref := $file1//field[@name='placeref']//text()
for $file2placename in $file1//field[@name='placename']//text()
let $placenamenodes := <name>{$file1placename}</name>
where $file1placeref=$file2placeref
update insert $placenamenodes into $file2places
Any help as to where I am going so (terribly) wrong or ideas for where to find resources on this sort of update (beyond the Exist-db resources) would be really appreciated. Apologies for the messiness of the code--I've tried so many different approaches.