I'm trying filter for particular words in a log file using regex, the goal is that any log line that matches the regex in custom_pattern will go into influxdb, log lines that do not match willbe ignored. When I tested the regex it works, even in golang playground (https://play.golang.org/p/_apzOVwwgl2). But when I use it in the telegraf conf file as it is below, it doesn't work, there's no input into influxdb. Is there something I'm missing that should added to the configuration?
I've tested the regex on http://grokdebug.herokuapp.com/ and https://play.golang.org/p/_apzOVwwgl2 it works but not in the custom_patterns under [inputs.logparser.grok].
Here is my grok config
files = ["/var/log/test1"]
from_beginning = true
patterns = ["%{FAIL_LOG}"]
custom_patterns = '''FAIL_LOG ^.*?\b(multipathd?)\b.*?\b(failed|failing|(remaining active paths))\b.*?$'''
The pattern is supposed to match first 2 log lines like below and ignore the third line.
Oct 29 03:29:03 dc-as-5p multipath: checker failed interface 8:0 in map 150gb
Oct 29 03:29:03 dc-as-5p multipathd: checker failing interface 8:0 in map 150gb
Oct 29 03:26:03 dc-as-5p link: checker down remaining active paths interface 8:0 in map 150gb
What am I doing wrong?
%{SYSLOGTIMESTAMP:timestamp} %{HOSTNAME} (?<prog>multipathd?): (?<message>(.*(failed|failing|(remaining active paths)).*))
I was still able to match the first 2 log lines as expected, without matching the third log line. However, when I use this pattern inside inputs.logparser.grok, it still did not work, no input written to influxdb. Help PLEASE! – tfalade