I'm using Go to create a nested struct and populate it. I have a custom field in the struct that I need to set myself, but it's a type used in a field of the outer struct. For example:
type Case struct {
CaseID string `json:"caseID"`
CaseStatus string `json:"caseStatus"`
Kit_Details []Kit_Details `json:"kit_Details"`
type Kit_Details struct {
KitID string `json:"kitID"`
KitStatus string `json:"kitStatus"`
I have created a nested struct. I want to update KitStatus
fields using Case struct in my program.Means if I access Case struct from that how can i move to Kit_Details
struct and update the field of a structure.
Can somebody help me how to loop through the fields of Case struct using FieldByName("KitStatus")
and using SetString("New value")
to update the value of that field.
field is a slice, you can use golang.org/pkg/reflect/#Value.Len and golang.org/pkg/reflect/#Value.Index to loop over the elements of the slice. – mkopriva