
im using OS ubuntu and im not using GenyMobile. terminal

Have you checked this?tomerpacific

2 Answers


I did my digging for a while as the accepted answer did not work and landed on this solution [I am on Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS]

What is causing it to happen?
A clash between two different adb in the system. One in android/sdk/platform-tools and another in usr/bin

What will we do?
delete the adb located in usr/bin, then copy from platform-tools and paste in the usr/bin


  1. open the usr/bin in terminal as:

sudo nautilus

  1. locate and delete adb in usr/bin
  2. open sdk/platform-tools, copy paste adb to above usr/bin
  3. lastly perform this in terminal:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install android-sdk


You can be used to uninstall an app via your PC. It will solve your issue.

1. First step: select File-> Invalidate caches / Restart

2. Second step: open a command terminal and run the below command changing the package name.

3. Final step: Now run your app

replace: < com.xyz.name > with your < package name >

adb uninstall "com.xyz.name"