As the title suggests, this is strange but true.
The server (PHP) sets a session-based cookie on every request; as suggested, this cookie expires when the browser is closed.
A function is used to dynamically add required JavaScript and CSS files into the DOM head
via <script src="/some.js"></script>
and <link rel="stylesheet" href="/some.css">
I can see the requests happen in the Network tab of the developer tools, but when I click on one of them I see that each of those requests have NO request-cookies!
Now my web app fails because the server is looking or a session-token from the (missing) cookie.
Why are my cookies missing? I'm not deleting them!
Any advice welcome, thanks.
parts of your cookies? also, have a look at the cookie-size (value in bytes); if the size is lower than 1 or higher than 4000(ish) then your cookies will automatically be discarded by the browser – argon