I'm using WordPress + Woocommerce for one project. The problem is that the CSV file from the client has over 650k records for products and I have to upload all these products to woocommerce store.
Wordpress using 2 tables (wp_posts, wp_postmeta) for products and 3 tables(wp_terms, wp_term_taxonomy, wp_term_relationships) for categories and tags. All products should be uploaded as just simple woocommerce products.
Not sure what could be the best option for such data migration.
I tried to use a WordPress import plugin for this (WP All Import) but it was taking too much time.
By using this script (largeCSV2mySQL) I was able to import 650k products info to the database table in less than 10s. Is there anyway to import all those 650k products to woocommerce store in such a fast way?
What could be the best experience to handle such huge data?