I'm pretty new to Elastic Search and stumbled upon this issue. When searching multiple document types from the same index, the types are getting appended in the result documents set instead of being default sorted by boosted field. My document types shares the same fields.
This is my search query:
var response = await client.SearchAsync<ProductListResponse>(s => s
.Query(fsq => fsq
.FunctionScore(c => c.Query(q => q
.MultiMatch(m => m.Query(request.Query)
.Fields(f => f
.Field(n => n.Name, 100.0)
.Field(n => n.NameWithoutSpecialChars, 100.0)
.Field(n => n.ProductName)
.Field(n => n.TeaserText)
.Field(n => n.Description)
.Field(n => n.Features)
.Field(n => n.Modules)
).Functions(f => f
.FieldValueFactor(b => b
.Field(p => p.IsBoosted)
.Sort(ss => ss
.PostFilter(filter => filter.Bool(b => b.Must(must => allFilters)))
.Source(sr => sr
.Include(fi => fi
.Field(f => f.Name)
.Field(n => n.ProductName)
.Field(n => n.TeaserText)
.Field(f => f.Image)
.Field(f => f.Thumbnail)
.Field(f => f.Url)
.Field(f => f.Features)
Any help is appreciated.
I would preferre not to adapt the product type with the additons to productbundle type..