I am trying to run my jmx file which is src/test/jmeter using maven POM.xml , but am getting error
i have provided the version 5.1.1 in pom.xml , still saying this plugin needs 5.1.1 version of jmeter.
Will this plugin automatically downloads jmeter ? or do i have to manually download and keep in src/test/jmeter folder ?
version used below :
Tried with changing versions of jmeter maven plugin , still getting same kind of error
This is the error am getting when i run below maven code: mvn clean install -DskipTests -Dskip.report.generation=true -Djmeter.version=5.1.1
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal com.lazerycode.jmeter:jmeter-maven-plugin:2.9.0:jmeter (jmeter-tests) on project WebserviceAutomation: The plugin com.lazerycode.jmeter:jmeter-maven-plugin:2.9.0 requires Maven version 3.5.2