
i need your help for transaction controller in jmeter.

  • I have a requirement to run 4 http request as one flow , so i have put them in one transaction controller , but once i run the script then all 4 requests runs individual and after that it runs in a transaction controller.

My expectation is that a script should run all 4 request in a transaction controller as one flow.


1 Answers


You don't seem to fully understand Transaction Controller concept.

It doesn't really get "executed", it is only a sum of its children elapsed times.

If you add i.e. View Results in Table listener you will see that:

  1. Requests are being executed as "one flow", one by one
  2. Transaction Controller response time is the sum of its children response times

    enter image description here

Check out What is JMeter’s Transaction Controller? article for more details if needed