
Typing indicator for bot framework in nodejs


i am working with microsoft bot framework v4, node js, i need to implement typing in chat bot. the bot should respond like(...) as response before sending the original response. i have seen the code here Send a typing indicator in bot-framework v4 using DirectLine and webchat (Node.js)

code is working fine in local but when i deploy it to azure, typing(...) is not coming, i can see a delay for 3 secs in response in azure .

my code

await step.context.sendActivities([
                                { type: 'typing' },
                                { type: 'delay', value: 3000 },


Thanks Sanjeev Gautam

On which channel are you experiencing this behaviour after the deployment to Azure?Mick
Typing indicator IS working, BUT you are having delays? In what Channels are you experiencing those delaysMarc Asmar
@ Mick and @ Marc Asmar, i am using web page as channel.Sanjeev Gautam

2 Answers


Thanks for your help and suggestions. I have changed webSocket: true, in botConnection of chatter.html and solved my purpose. Before it was webSocket: false.

 var botConnection = new BotChat.DirectLine({
        secret: model.secret,
        token: model.token,
        domain: model.directLineUrl,
        webSocket: true,
        conversationId: getPersistedConversationId(),
        watermark: 0

Thanks Sanjeev Gautam


Unfortunately this appears to be a bug with Test in Web Chat. The typing indicator, as expected, should visibly display. An issue was created in the BotFramework-WebChat repo here reporting the bug.

I would recommend commenting on the issue so the Web Chat developers can fully appreciate any impact.

Hope of help!