I tried to test my azure bot using Bot framework emulator, but it is showing the following error
I have configured ngrok, still I'm not able to connect to the bot
Bot is working as expected in "Test in WebChat" in azure.
Your Ngrok is wrong.
I can see from your settings, that you should be pointed to an ngrok.exe, but check and make sure your ngrok is where it should be.
This is an image of me successfully tunneling to my deployed bot. Note that first three lines of the log to the right:
[08:32:12]Emulator listening on http://localhost:53057
[08:32:12]ngrok listening on https://71b4c689.ngrok.io
[08:32:12]ngrok traffic inspector:
[08:32:12]Will bypass ngrok for local addresses
When I go to my settings and remove the ngrok file (simulating my ngrok not being where it should be), I get your error exactly:
Double check your 'Path to Ngrok' in your settings.