
I'm having problems installing the Homestead Vagrant box following the guide on the Laravel docs.

I have the current latest version of Vagrant (2.2.6) and whenever I'm trying to add the laravel/homestead box to my Vagrant installation using vagrant box add laravel/homestead I get this error:

An error occurred while downloading the remote file. The error message, if any, is reproduced below. Please fix this error and try again.

Could not resolve host: vagrantcloud-files-production.s3.amazonaws.com

Anyone have a clue on how to fix this and/or where the problem lies? Would be much appreciated.

I'm having the same issue. Looks like that URL is no good. Perhaps it is temporarily not working? I also have Vagrant 2.2.6, on Ubuntu.Kenny
No sooner than I posted my comment, now it's working for me./Kenny
@Kenny also works for me now :)royketelaar

1 Answers


Okay it works now as Kenny already said, for some reason now (a day later) files begin to download. Looks like it was a problem with S3 or something.