
I have a traditional spring MVC (servlet stack) application that uses WebClient from spring-boot-starter-webflux package. in recent Spring Boot 2.2.0 release, Kotlin Coroutine support has been added for the reactive stack (webflux). I am wondering if it is feasible to use Kotlin Coroutines with WebClient when used in (servlet stack) Spring MVC.

Spring Boot 2.4.0 finally supports Kotlin Coroutines in servlet stack - docs.spring.io/spring-framework/docs/current/reference/html/…Munish Chandel

1 Answers


I'm just learning about Spring Webflux and WebClient. This article says it can be done, though I haven't tried it: https://www.baeldung.com/spring-boot-kotlin-coroutines.

I have been trying something like the controller side from that article but don't have it working :-(