Using Tymon jwt tokens for auth. Laravel works fine.
When using the upload to S3 code for Laravel vapor I cannot get the signed-storage-url to use my axios defaults:
axios.defaults.headers.common["Authorization"] = 'Bearer ' + token;
Store Method as shown in the docs:$refs.file.files[0], {
progress: progress => {
this.uploadProgress = Math.round(progress * 100);
}).then(response => {
It calls this in the index.js of the npm package:
async store(file, options = null) {
// want this to use my default header.
const response = await'/vapor/signed-storage-url', {
'bucket': options.bucket || '',
'content_type': options.contentType || file.type,
'expires': options.expires || ''
Maybe something to do with the npm module not being in the correct scope.
I have overridden the vapor-core signed-storage-url controller to use the token and can get that to work no problem with Postman. It is calling that doesn't add the token to the axios call and I don't see a way to pass in the headers.
Edit: You can use these packages without signing up for Vapor.
composer require laravel/vapor-core
npm install --save-dev laravel-vapor