
I'm building a chatbot with Telegram and Google Dialogflow. When I integrate Dialogflow into Telegram via the Dialogflow "Integrations" tab, Dialogflow registers as a Webbhook service to intercept all received Telegram messages. Unfortunately, I cannot act on non-text messages like stickers, images and Telegram payment checkout messages.

I wish Dialogflow would forward all the received messages to my custom fulfillment webhook in the Fallback intent. In my webhook, I would be able to parse the received body and act on the unsupported telegram messages accordingly.

I know that there is a FACEBOOK_MEDIA event in Dialogflow. This event is fired when an image is sent via a Facebook messenger to Dialogflow. Is there something like a TELEGRAM_MEDIA or even a TELEGRAM_UNSUPPORTED event available?

I would really like to be able to act on more than just text messages in Dialogflow.

Do I need to add another layer between Telegram and Dialogflow to be able to act on all Telegram messages?

What I have analyzed so far:

I forward all Google Dialogflow interaction logs to Google Cloud stackdriver. It seems as if non-text messages are completely ignored by Dialogflow. I see no log entry at all when I send a non-text message to my telegram bot. On the other hand, when I send a text, the log and its JSON payload appears immediately in the stackdriver.

I created a fallback intent in Dialogflow and enabled "Enable webhook call for this intent" in the Fulfillment section. Unfortunately, my fulfillment function doesn't fire on any non-text events. Dialogflow blocks it in the first place.


2 Answers


For future reference, I will try to give a possible, but not an out-of-the-box solution to my own question. If someone has a better solution, this would be great.

It seems to me, that at the moment of writing this, a full interaction experience is only possible by implementing an intermediate layer between Telegram and Dialogflow. Telegram might contact this intermediate layer, which processes the received message and uses the Dialogflow SDK/API for the Google NLP goodness. For the (not yet) supported Telegram messages this intermediate layer must implement its own logic.


Currently, there seems to be no way to handle non-telegram text messages via dialogflow, however there is an open report about it here if it may interest https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/157202508