I am building one UI in R Shiny and struggling with the layout part. I want to plot ValueBoxes and Table together. Following is the current output but, the rows are coming with the gap. So, could you suggest what can be done to remove this gap and get the desired layout. Here is the code
column(width = 12,
valueBoxOutput("vlue", width = 3),
valueBoxOutput("vlue1", width = 3),
valueBoxOutput("win_loose", width = 3),
title = "Box title", width = 3,
div(style = "height:200px"), status = "primary",
"Box content"
column(width = 12,
valueBoxOutput("performance", width = 3),
valueBoxOutput("performance1", width = 3),
valueBoxOutput("win_loose1", width = 3)
Current Layout with row gap: