
I have input like the following:

Someting sth
 5  15   

I want to scanf input by lines to get whole content of the line. But when reaching first digit (there can be spaces/tabs before it) I want to scanf it as int.

That's what I have come up with but it does not work as expected - cursor still does not stop at digit character.

char person_name[1000];
int n;

while (scanf("%[^\n/D]%*c", person_name) > 0) {
    if (checkIfContainsNumber(person_name) == 0) {
      appendToLinkedList(&head_ref, person_name);
    } else {

while (scanf("%d", &n) > 0) {
    printf("%d ", n);
You've already read the digit character. scanf("%s", person_name); then if(isdigit(person_name[0])) { int num = atoi(person_name); }Weather Vane
Yeah but if I use scanf("%s", person_name); then I read words by words and not by line. I need to distinguish if there are more words in the same line.Epsilon47
Oh then put a space in front of " %[^\n]" to filter the leading whitespace.Weather Vane
I have tried to edit the regex a bit so my final regex looks like: scanf(" %[^\n^0-9]%*c", person_name) - the space in front of % helped. Thanks a lot.Epsilon47
So you needn't bother with removing the trailing newline now.Weather Vane

3 Answers


As far as I understand the problem, each line could be considered either as a sequence of names or a sequence of integers.
So I would try to read the file line by line and analyse each extracted line as one sequence or another (spaces are implicitly consumed).
The trick here is the usage of "%n" to go further in the analyse of the same line.

#include <stdio.h>

  FILE *input=fopen("input.txt", "r");
    return 1;
  char line[1024];
  while(fgets(line, sizeof(line), input))
    int pos=0;
    int value, count;
    char name[256];
    if(sscanf(line+pos, "%d%n", &value, &count)==1)
      printf("a line with values: <%d>", value);
      while(sscanf(line+pos, "%d%n", &value, &count)==1)
        printf(" <%d>", value);
    else if(sscanf(line+pos, "%255s%n", name, &count)==1)
      printf("a line with names: <%s>", name);
      while(sscanf(line+pos, "%255s%n", name, &count)==1)
        printf(" <%s>", name);
  return 0;

Read the input line-wise with fgets and keep a mode: TEXT for text, NUMBER for numbers and ERROR for an error condition. (The error condition is undescribed. It could occur when you encounter non-numeric data in NUMBER mode, for example.)

Start out with TEXT. Before processing a line in text mode, check whether it could be a digit by a simple sscanf into the line. If you can read a number, switch to number mode, where you scan all numbers from a line.

char line[80];
enum {TEXT, NUMBER, ERROR = -1} mode = TEXT;

while (mode != ERROR && fgets(line, sizeof(line), stdin)) {
    if (mode == TEXT) {
        int n;

        if (sscanf(line, "%d", &n) > 0) mode = NUMBER;

    if (mode == TEXT) {
        line[strcspn(line, "\n")] = '\0';
    } else if (mode == NUMBER) {
        char *p = line;
        char *end;
        int n = strtol(p, &end, 0);

        if (end == p) mode = ERROR;

        while (end > p) {
            p = end;
            n = strtol(p, &end, 0);

(But this approach will fail if the numbers are all in one very long. fgets truncates the input so that the specified size will nor be exceeded.)


Consider changing the scan strategy - ignore all characters that are non-digit, and then read the integer from that digits forward

if ( scanf("%*[^0-9]%d", &n) == 1 ) { ... }

The first field '%*[...]' will skip over anything that is non-digit. Note that it's possible to reach EOF before finding a digit - if statement is needed to check.