I have a mutable Map[Long, Long] with millions of entries. I need to make many iterations of updates with millions of updates. I would like to do this as fast as possible.
Currently, the fastest method is to use a single threaded mutable.LongMap[Long]. This type is optimized for Long types as the key.
Other map types appear to be slower -- but I may have implemented them incorrectly as I was trying to do the updates concurrently and/or in parallel without success. It is possible that updating a map in parallel is not actually occurring or is not possible in Scala.
In order of fastest to slowest:
- LongMap[Long] (from above)
- TrieMap[Long, Long]
- ParTrieMap[Long, Long]
- HashMap[Long, Long]
- ParHashMap[Long, Long]
- ParMap[Long, Long]
It is OK if a faster method is not mutable, but I do not think this will be the case. A mutable map is probably best for this use case.
Code to generate test data and time the test
import java.util.Calendar
import scala.collection.mutable
object DictSpeedTest2 {
//helper constants
val million: Long = 1000000
val billion: Long = million * 1000
val garbageCollectionWait = 3
val numEntries: Long = million * 10 //may need to increase JVM memory with something like: -Xmx32g
val maxValue: Long = billion * million // max Long = 9223372036854775807L
// this is 1000000000000000L
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
//generate random data; initial entries in a; updates in b
val a = genData(numEntries, maxValue, seed = 1000)
val b = genData(numEntries, maxValue, seed = 9999)
val dict = new mutable.LongMap[Long]()
a.foreach(x => dict += (x._1 -> x._2))
//run and time test
println("start test: " + Calendar.getInstance().getTime)
val start = System.currentTimeMillis
b.foreach(x => dict += (x._1 -> x._2)) //updates
val end = System.currentTimeMillis
//print runtime
val durationInSeconds = (end - start).toFloat / 1000 + "s"
println("end test: " + Calendar.getInstance().getTime + " -- " + durationInSeconds)
def genData(n: Long, max: Long, seed: Long): Array[(Long, Long)] = {
val r = scala.util.Random
r.setSeed(seed) //deterministic generation of arrays
val a = new Array[(Long, Long)](n.toInt)
a.map(_ => (r.nextInt(), r.nextInt()) )
Current timings
LongMap[Long] with the above code completes in the following times on my 2018 MacBook Pro:
- ~3.5 seconds with numEntries = 10 million
- ~100 seconds with numEntries = 100 million
would help, take a look to fs2, Monix or Akka Streams. – Luis Miguel Mejía Suárez