
I am getting 400 errors when I try to execute maven release: perform.

[INFO] [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:2.8.2:deploy (default-deploy) on project my-project: Failed to deploy artifacts: Cou ld not transfer artifact com.acca.project:project:pom:1.0.0-RELEASE from/to acca-nexus (https://nexus.io/repository/project/): Failed to transfer file https://nexus.io/repository/project/myproject/myproject/1.0.0-RELEASE/myproject-1.0.0-RELEASE.pom with status code 400 -> [Help 1]

Following things I have tried 1) I verified, credentials are correct 2) URL for nexus repo is correct 3) I am maintaining the proper 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT name 4) there is no package with the same version in nexus as well 5) Not a network issue as well, I can do maven deploy properly.

Release plugin -config looks like below

                <scmCommentPrefix>[maven-scm] :</scmCommentPrefix>

I want to deploy the package when I do maven release: perform, but I am unable to debug beyond this. can someone please tell me how to debug this. Pointing out the issue will also helpful


1 Answers


I fixed the above issue.

The solution was in the nexus repository configuration. I updated the configuration to "allow redeploy" and it started working.

Thank you