
I have created a global secondary index in my dynamo db table as shown in the below screenshot -

dynamodb GSI creation

But when I am filtering data using this GSI it is not fetching any data as shown in the below screenshot -

dynamodb query

I have also placed a screenshot of the sample data below -

enter image description here

can you do a screenshot of a data sample also?Horatiu Jeflea
Does the key admin_id with the value of 24 exist?hephalump
@hephalump yes it does existbilal
Please show it as @HoratiuJeflea requestedhephalump
Thanks. In your GSI that you created its a string, but it looks like admin_id is a number.hephalump

1 Answers


That was a stupid mistake of mine. In my GSI that I have created is a string, but admin_id is a number.