I wanted to create new OpenGl/GLEW/GLFW Visual Studio project in 64 bit
. So I downloaded glew binaries and glfw binaries. My project settings are as followed:
Additional Libraries:
- glew-2.1.0\lib\Release\x64
- glfw-3.3.bin.WIN64\lib-vc2019
Additional Dependencies:
- glew32s.lib (I dont get why its named glew32 and its in x64 folder)
- opengl32.lib
- glfw3.lib
With such setting for every glew function like glGenBuffers
or glUseProgram
or anything I get LNK2001 unresolved external symbol error.
Any clue where I did a mistake?
(And since I am a new to all of these can someone explain why do I have to link opengl32.lib on 64 bit app and why there is no opengl64.lib and so on?)