Question 1
I have a model that has multiple associations, I have created at index configuration that feeds of the associated models, e.g. person is the main model, this has associations that are indexed - such as employment_positions, documents, interviews etc
So I would really want to pin down what the sphinx search has used to get the result so that I can use the excerpt on the main model or the associated model
So if I have 10 documents attached to a person, and I use a search term like "Java" I want to be able to detect what associated model has the highest ranked match / or discover what associated model was the basis for the match
Question 2
Im also puzzled a little further - when Sphinx uses excerpts, if a search is done using a field e.g. @person_job_title "java", the excerpt doesnt highlight the search word.
I suspect that others have faced the same issue, does anyone have a work around?