
From one day to another, with changing the issue-filter slightly, the board configuration in JIRA, my Kanban board went empty. I use the following JQL as filter within the board configuration:

project = "My amazing project" and fixVersion in unreleasedVersions() ORDER BY priority DESC

The above filter does not work. What is working though is

project = "My amazing project" and fixVersion = "v1337" ORDER BY priority DESC

Interestingly, the first query works in JIRA's issue explorer and gives me back the 11 results I expect. As you see in the screenshot below, I have no quick filters enabled, neither do I have any sub-filter added nor am I hiding any older issues. Where did all the cards go?

Screenshot of empty Kanban Board

I am using Atlassian Jira Project Management Software (v8.2.3#802003-sha1:5986657) and I am not administrator of that installation, only of the project.

Screenshot of board configuration

Further reading

can you provide a screenshot of the Kanban board configuration? Also, have you tried it with a different web browser? In the Kanban columns it shows that 11 cards should be in the first two columns...weird.Chris Graf
@ChrisGraf I included a screenshot of the configuration. It is indeed weird. As I said, the filter query works in the issue explorer. And: It looks the same in Chrome and in Firefox (both at newest version).B--rian

1 Answers


There is a dedicated problem page provided by Atlassian:


The issues are not visible in Kanban board, but when you are in board configurations >> columns you can see number of issues.


As Kanban board deals with version of the issues, the field named Fix Version/s should not be hidden This is because the default Kanban board sub-filter(Board Configure >> General) has been set to

fixVersion in unreleasedVersions() OR fixVersion is EMPTY

The page also describes a rather complicated workaround. My workaround was much simpler:

  1. Change the JQL query to project = "My amazing project" only.
  2. Create a subfilter fixVersion in unreleasedVersions() ORDER BY priority DESC.

I do not understand why it has to be this way, but it does the job.