I'm struggling with a javascript/Nodejs8 Google Cloud Function to publish payloads to Google PubSub.
So I have a Cloud Function triggered by HTTP requests and the request body is then published to a pubsub topic (configured for pull mode).
Here is my code:
const {PubSub} = require('@google-cloud/pubsub');
const pubsub = new PubSub();
const topic = pubsub.topic('my-fancy-topic');
function formatPubSubMessage(reqObj){
// the body is pure text
return Buffer.from(reqObj.body);
exports.entryPoint = function validate(req, res) {
topic.publish(formatPubSubMessage(req)).then((messageId) => {
console.log("sent pubsub message with id :: " + messageId)
My issue is that the cloud function finishes executing before the pubsub message being published (in logs, the log "Function execution took X ms, finished with status code: 200" shows up around 30 or 40 seconds before the my pubsub log. I also had several times a log with "Ignoring exception from a finished function" and I dont get my pubsub log)
I'm not a javascript or nodejs specialist and I don't master javascript promises neither but I was wondering if I could make the publish synchronous. I'm thinking as well that I might be doing something wrong here !
Thank you in advance for your help.