Lately I came across a problem with bootstrap-vue table and it's items. I made a table with items object. I also have couple of variables, which I wanted to be a part of the table items. I want to use variables as v-model of checkbox inputs in table's template for this item slot.
I tried to put a variable as an item. The variable was seen by table, but wasn't bind to it, so any change of checkbox wasn't reflected in variables values.
The code I expected to work. The table with template and checkbox input with v-model to component data variable:
<b-table class="settings-integrationsTable" outlined :items="integrationsTableItems()" :fields="print_integrations_fields">
<template v-slot:cell(switch)="data">
<b-form-checkbox type="checkbox"
data () {
return {
variable: false
methods: {
integrationsTableItems () {
return {
{ model: this.variable },
I would love to put the variable directly in items as seen above and use it and bind it in my table input's v-model.
My workaround for this situation is that instead of direct variable, my model field of items is a string name of it eg. 'variable' and I made a method for returning it's value. I use the value to represent checked state of checkbox and second method changes it's state.
<template v-slot:cell(switch)="data">
<b-form-checkbox type="checkbox"
Is there any way my first idea would work? I may do something wrong.