Another three methods, one using sapply
, one matrix subsetting and one vector subsetting. Matrix and vector subsetting looks to be faster, the one with sapply
slower, than the for loop.
matrix(val[1:J + (ind-1)*J],J,N)
looks like to be the fastest way.
M <- 3; N <- 20; J <- 10
ind <- matrix(sample(1:M,N*J,replace=T),nrow=J)
val <- matrix(rnorm(M*J),nrow=J)
for(j in 1:J){x[j,]<-val[j,ind[j,]]}
identical(x, t(sapply(1:J, function(j) val[j,ind[j,]])))
#[1] TRUE
identical(x, matrix(val[matrix(c(rep(1:J, N), ind), ncol=2)],J,N))
#[1] TRUE
#Other ways for rep(1:J, N)
identical(x, matrix(val[matrix(c(row(ind), ind), ncol=2)],J,N))
#[1] TRUE
identical(x, matrix(val[matrix(c(slice.index(ind, 1), ind), ncol=2)],J,N))
#[1] TRUE
#Vector subsetting as suggested by Aaron
identical(x, matrix(val[row(ind) + (ind-1)*J],J,N))
#[1] TRUE
#Other ways
identical(x, matrix(val[1:J + (ind-1)*J],J,N))
#[1] TRUE
identical(x, matrix(val[sweep((ind-1)*J, 1, 1:J, "+")],J,N))
#[1] TRUE
Speed comparison:
f1 <- function() {
for(j in 1:J){x[j,]<-val[j,ind[j,]]}
f2 <- function() {t(sapply(1:J, function(j) val[j,ind[j,]]))}
f3 <- function() {matrix(val[matrix(c(row(ind), ind), ncol=2)],J,N)}
f4 <- function() {matrix(val[row(ind) + (ind-1)*J],J,N)} #Comment from Aaron
f5 <- function() {matrix(val[1:J + (ind-1)*J],J,N)}
microbenchmark(f1(), f2(), f3(), f4(), f5(), setup=gc)
#Unit: microseconds
# expr min lq mean median uq max neval
# f1() 16.540 18.3595 20.11216 19.8820 20.7915 36.201 100
# f2() 43.514 46.3650 49.77573 48.0320 49.5120 113.631 100
# f3() 8.325 9.3265 10.38931 9.9425 10.4825 46.561 100
# f4() 6.934 7.8270 9.00286 8.4405 9.1355 25.840 100
# f5() 5.839 6.8730 7.71322 7.3520 8.3145 16.349 100
matrix(..., byrow = FALSE)
, which would fill in the matrix by column. This should let you fill in the matrix by column in thematrix
call directly. – Oliver