
I have a Nuxt project and for the SEO purpose, I need to reload the pages every time I do visit any page. Is there any way I can do it on Routers?

Currently, my app is with the default behavior of NUXT " renders only the required components on visit". But I need to completely reload the pages.

Doesn't make any sense. For seo it will follow link in HTML and it will be server rendered each time. What you trying to do is to spoil use experienceAldarund
What is that "SEO purpose"?emirowski
Reference DOCEmpty Brain

2 Answers


I do believe that reloading the page cleares (and re-initializes) your vuex store, if you are using that

I don't know how to reload the page but I have a few suggestions that you could test

Suggestion 1 Wrap your page with a v-if. Then it wont render until you visit it

  <app v-if="someBoolean">
  export default {
    computed: {
      someBoolean () {
        return blabla 

Suggestion 2


Suggestion 3 Bind your component to a key

  <yourComponent :key="componentKey" />

And change that key whenever you need re-rendering


If you want to refresh the page manually you can call - this.$router.app.refresh()