
Newbie question: I have a table with ID, ParentID, and Type. I want to create two new columns (StrategyID, SubstrategyID) that contains the ID for the row if its Type = 'Strategy' or 'Substrategy'. Otherwise, I want to look at its parent row and return that ID if it matches the Types sought. If not, repeat and look at the parent of the parent, etc. I am not getting the syntax for functions in general and recursive functions in particular in PowerQuery.

I've looked at many examples and videos, and found some help, but not specifically for what I am trying to do.

| Existing columns              New Colums                 |
| ID | ParentID | Type        | StrategyID | SubstrategyID |
| 1  | 0        | Strategy    | 1          |               |
| 2  | 1        | Substrategy | 1          | 2             |
| 3  | 2        | Feature     | 1          | 2             |
| 4  | 3        | Story       | 1          | 2             |
| 5  | 3        | Story       | 1          | 2             |
| 6  | 1        | Substrategy | 1          | 6             |
| 7  | 6        | Feature     | 1          | 6             |
| 8  | 7        | Story       | 1          | 6             |
| 9  | 7        | Story       | 1          | 6             |
| 10 | 0        | Strategy    | 10         |               |
| 11 | 10       | Substrategy | 10         | 11            |
| 12 | 11       | Feature     | 10         | 11            |
| 13 | 12       | Story       | 10         | 11            |
| 14 | 12       | Story       | 10         | 11            |
| 15 | 12       | Story       | 10         | 11            |
| 16 | 10       | Substrategy | 10         | 16            |
| 17 | 16       | Feature     | 10         | 16            |
| 18 | 17       | Story       | 10         | 16            |
| 19 | 17       | Story       | 10         | 16            |


2 Answers


Give this a try. Assumes source data in Table1 with 3 columns --"ID", "ParentID" and "Type"

let Source = Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="Table1"]}[Content],
ChangedType = Table.TransformColumnTypes(Source,{{"ID", type text}, {"ParentID", type text}}),
ID_List = List.Buffer( ChangedType[ID] ),
ParentID_List = List.Buffer( ChangedType[ParentID] ),
Type_List = List.Buffer( ChangedType[Type] ),

Highest =  (n as text, searchfor as text) as text =>
        Spot = List.PositionOf( ID_List, n ),
        ThisType = Type_List{Spot},
        Parent_ID = ParentID_List{Spot}
     in if Parent_ID = null or ThisType=searchfor then ID_List{Spot} else @Highest(Parent_ID,searchfor),

FinalTable = Table.AddColumn( ChangedType, "StrategyID", each  Highest( [ID],"Strategy" ), type text),
FinalTable2 = Table.AddColumn( FinalTable, "SubstrategyID", each  Highest( [ID],"Substrategy" ), type text),
#"Replaced Errors" = Table.ReplaceErrorValues(FinalTable2, {{"SubstrategyID", null}})
in  #"Replaced Errors"

I think you want to use PATH and PATHITEM.

Assuming your table is called 'Table'

  1. create a new column:

    Path = PATH(Table[ID],Table[ParentID])


StrategyID = PATHITEM(Table[Path],1,1)
SubstrategyID = PATHITEM(Table[Path],2,1)