I'm config an application using spring cloud eureka. I start my discovery app in the 8761 port and reaching the console in "http://localhost:8761".
So, I start my client application and it's appear in the "Application" page of eureka console.
First question: My client is using "server.port=0" in properties config so the tomcat port is starting in random. How can I reaching my services in client? Example: I have a get request in "/api/stuff", is that possible to access this not using the random port? Suppose I don't know the port!
Second Question: I can start any clients I want, they will start, assuming a random port and register in the cloud server discovery, I can see the log:
"Registering application FLY-CLIENT with eureka with status UP"
But they don't appear in "Application" page of eureka console, why they don't appear?