In neo4j my database consists of chains of nodes. For each distinct stucture/layout (does graph theory has a better word?), I want to count the number of chains. For example, the database consists of 9 nodes and 5 relationships as this:
where (:a) is a node with label a. Properties on nodes and relationships are irrelevant.
The result of the counting should be:
| Structure | n |
| (:a)->(:b) | 2 |
| (:b)->(:a) | 1 |
| (:a)->(:b)->(:b) | 1 |
Is there a query that can achieve this?
Query to create test data:
create (:a)-[:r]->(:b), (:b)-[:r]->(:a), (:a)-[:r]->(:b), (:a)-[:r]->(:b)-[:r]->(:b)
, with multiple relationships among them, or are these meant to be separate nodes, with multiple labeled as:a
and multiple labeled as:b
, meaning there are 4:a
nodes in your example and 5:b
nodes. Are there supposed to be properties on these nodes? Names, for example? – InverseFalcon