
I'm working on a new app and I'm trying to do basic animations such as TranslateTo(x,y,duration, easing). the problem is that I'm trying to move a block from point A to point B, but I can't see the moving animation, it just appears in point B instantly even though I did set the duration to 5000 ms ... I just don't know how to fix that. I'm using visual studio 2019

This is what I used : private void Button_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) {

boxView2.TranslateTo(boxView2.TranslationX + 200, 0, 5000, Easing.CubicOut); }

the expected result is that the moving animation should be visible but the actual result is that the box just pops up from A to B instantly

I tried changing the Android's version but I still have the same issueShahid Od
When I removed the await before method TranslateTo, I couldn't reproduce this question .What's version of your xamarin form nuget?Jessie Zhang -MSFT

1 Answers


There was an issue in the previous Xamarin Forms on Android related to this. Updating XF tot he latest 4.2 version ( fixed it on our side