
I'm working on reading ldif attributes from LDAP into my java program, my original thought is to put those attributes in to a map, then parse them from it, but I found that, there is an attributes call "departmentNumber", which contains two json format values,

departmentNumber: {"sid":"729999","uid":501,"name":"tebase","role":"managers","title":"sales","groups":["others"]}
departmentNumber: {"sid":"724605","uid":37,"name":"tebase","role":"managers","title":"develope","groups":["leaders"]}

so I used map to put them, some codes shown below,

but my way can only retrieve the 1st json value, which is the one that contains {"sid":"729999"}, but no 2nd value that contains {"sid":"724605"},

I observed the program log is:

this is the log that read from ldif attributes

2019 22:30:58,237 authentication.mzauth   authentication.mzauth.doAuthenticate(mzauth.java:44)  
{"uid":"brucelee","mail":"[email protected]","displayName":"Bruce Lee","givenName":"Bruce Lee","departmentNumber":"{\"sid\":\"729999\",\"uid\":501,\"name\":\"teabas\",\"role\":\"managers\",\"title\":\"sales\",\"groups\":[\"others\"]}","objectClass":"inetOrgPerson","description":"Bruce Lee","sn":"Bruce Lee","cn":"Z39414","department":"000000","info":"2006/02/12"}   

this is the log that put into a map and parse them out

2019 22:30:58,247 services.LdapService services.LdapService.getUser(LdapService.java:251)
ldap user:{"username":"brucelee","fullname":"Bruce Lee","email":"[email protected]","departmentid":"729999","titles":[{"schoolid":"729999","titles":["managers","sales"]}],"cloudroles":{"usage":"clouddev","roles":[{"appname":"mail","departmentid":"729999","titles":["managers","sales"]}]},"guid":"c00d5ba660145307c84f2c1e1c557e4ededaf1830029d40aa5b244027","pid":"Z39414","openid":"http://openid.macom/brucelee"}  

as you can read, there is only 1 value, the one which is sid:72999, instead of two values,

the original ldif attributes is:

LDAPv3 base with scope subtree filter: uid=brucelee requesting: ALL

Z39414, Managers, developer.alle.com dn: cn=Z39414,ou=Managers,dc=developer,dc=alle,dc=com uid: brucelee userPassword: qwdmsdierf mail: [email protected] info: 2006/02/12 sn: Bruce Lee departmentNumber: {"sid":"729999","uid":501,"name":"tebase","role":"managers","title":"sales","groups":["others"]}  departmentNumber: {"sid":"724605","uid":37,"name":"tebase","role":"managers","title":"develope","groups":["leaders"]} department: 000000 givenName: Bruce Lee objectClass: inetOrgPerson objectClass: organizationalPerson objectClass: person objectClass: top cn: Z39414 displayName: Bruce Lee description: Bruce Lee

search result search: 2 result: 0 Success numResponses: 2 numEntries: 1

my question is, how can I put both 2 json values into my map, or my usage of map is wrong, and there is a better way to deal with this kind of situation?

public DataModel getUser(String uid, String passwd, String role, DataModel   user) throws Exception {
private Map<String, String> map = null;
   if (role.equals("managers")) {
            map = Ldap.getAttrubites(ldapurl, uid, passwd);
            List<Titles> titlesArray = new ArrayList<>();
            List<Roles> rolesArray = new ArrayList();
            map.forEach((key, value)
                    -> {logger.info("{} - {}", key, value); });
     if (key.equals("departmentNumber")) {
                List<StringModel> model = map.get("departmentNumber")).get();
                model.stream().forEach(k -> {
                for (int i = 0; i < model.size(); i++) {
                            Titles titles = new Titles();
                            List<String> titleList = new ArrayList<>();
                            String userid = model.get(i).getUid();
                            String mtitle = model.get(i).getRole();
                            String subtitle = model.get(i).getTitle();

                 ........ });}
    } return user;
Why aren't you using a JSON parser?AndiCover

1 Answers


The java.util.Map<K,V> interface holds only one value for each key. If you want to hold multiple values for each key, you need to specify a collection class to the V part. For example, like the following.

Map<String, List<String>> map = ...

The javax.ws.rs.core.MultivaluedMap interface defined in Java EE API is an example that achieves what you want to do.