
I would like to export Excel in Laravel version 5.7. I am using package Maatwebsite Laravel Excel version 3.1. I have an array of persons' information like this:

 $persons = {
        "person 1": [
                "answer1": "shokouh"
                "answer2": "dareshiri"
                "answerN": "answer N"
        "person M ": [
                "answer1": "sarah"
                "answer2": "smith"
                "answerN": "answer N"

and I wanna to export that in such as below excel:

Person 1    Answer 1    Answer 2    …   Answer N
Person M    Answer M2   Answer M2   …   Answer MN

This is my export function in Controller:

public function export(Request $request, Tournament $tournament) {



    return Excel::download(new ParticipantExport($persons), 'personInformation.xlsx');

This is my participantExport in app\Export\participantExport:

class participantExport implements FromArray
    protected $invoices;

    public function __construct(array $invoices)
        $this->invoices = $invoices;

    public function array(): array
        return $this->invoices;

any body can help me?


1 Answers


I solved the question as below:

In Controller.php:

$rows = array();

        foreach ($persons as $slug => $person) {
            $row = array();
            array_push($row, $slug);
            foreach ($person as $key => $value) {

                array_push($row, $persons[$slug][$key]['answer']);

            array_push($rows, $row);

        $coll = new participantExport([$rows]);

        return Excel::download($coll, 'participant-information.xlsx');