
When using flot I would like to have a string based x-axis. For example I have a list of customers "Bob", "Chris", "Joe" and would like to plot their revenue on the Y-Axis. (this is a bar graph)

It seems at first glance flot only supports numeric types on the x-axis. Is this true?


3 Answers


@Matt is close, but it would make more sense to just use the ticks option to directly specify what ticks should have what labels:

var options = {

  xaxis: {
    ticks: [[0,'Bob'],[1,'Chris'],[2,'Joe']]


EDIT: it looks like this (I added more data than labels, but you get the idea).


The Categories plugin (jquery.flot.categories.js) will do this quite nicely, so that data can be formatted like this:

var data = [ ["January", 10], ["February", 8], ["March", 4], ["April", 13], ["May", 17], ["June", 9] ];

and plot like this: enter image description here

See: http://www.flotcharts.org/flot/examples/categories/index.html


You should be able to do this using the tickFormatter option as per this question. I haven't tried it myself, but give this a shot:

var xAxisLabels = ['Bob', 'Chris', 'Joe'];    
function xAxisLabelGenerator(x){
    return xAxisLabels[x];

var plot = $.plot($("#placeholder"), { 
    // snip other options...
    xaxis: {
       transform: xAxisLabelGenerator,
       tickFormatter: xAxisLabelGenerator 

This means that the actual x-values should be 0, 1, 2, ...