
Microsoft introduced a special folder in OneDrive (I only see it in a personal OneDrive account, not in OneDrive for Business) called "Personal Vault". I searched the documentation of MS Graph API but could not find this mentioned.

So my question is: is there any way to access this personal vault as a third-party app?


1 Answers


Same problem here.

Funny thing is that:

  1. It does not appear in the root children
  2. It appears if you call the delta API where you can see a folder with the specialFolder attribute not null and whose specialFolder.name is "vault". This specialFolder, though, has the deleted facet, with the state set to "hardDeleted". If you extract the ID from the delta API call and try to address the folder directly with https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/drive/items/{id}, however, you get an access denied error