
My company uses a customized gradlew that passes --init-script and --project-prop options to gradle.

exec gradle \
  --init-script "$company/init.d/init.gradle.kts" \
  -PcompanyGradleRepo=$companyGradleRepo \

How can I pass the these same options to eclipse buildship, which I run via eclipse.jdt.ls

In Eclipse, there is a "program arguments" box in the "new gradle project" window, in the gradle import wizardDaniele
or, you could add a "dev" profile to the build. The dev profile would be active on a development box (eg. when some files are detected under user-home), and would enable DEV settings (whatever is set by the custom init.gradle script)Daniele
I don't run eclipse, I run the eclipse.jdt.ls which has no UI. There is a file .settings/org.eclipse.buildship.core.prefs which has a arguments value. Maybe I can set my options there. I'm also noticing a connection.gradle.distribution, maybe I can set that to ./gradlew.everett1992